Cold, flu, and virus season is officially upon us, and I wanted to take the time to share some of my favorite supplements and herbs to help prevent or shorten a cold/flu and ease symptoms. After getting severely sick in 2021 with COVID and being out for eight weeks, I’ve significantly stepped up my immunity game. Anytime I feel a sniffle or an ache, I tune in and support my body as much as possible with the remedies I’m about to share.
Before diving in, I want to make it clear that I’m not making any medical claims. What works for me might not work for everyone, and it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before introducing anything new to your routine.
Supporting the Vital Force with Supplements, Herbs, and Homeopathy
I’m not a homeopath, but I’ve been working with homeopathy for several years now and have found it incredibly helpful. Homeopathy works with the body’s vital force to heal from the root—and when the right remedy is chosen, it can do so quite quickly. Dr. Michael Weiner’s The Complete Book of Homeopathy taught me a valuable lesson: “It is advisable not to suppress every little sniffle with medicines of any kind, but rather to let such minor illnesses run their course.” This advice is gold. Minor illnesses can be the body’s way of detoxing and adjusting itself. While no one likes to feel under the weather, I’ve found that there are ways to support the body while it’s healing.
My Go-To Supplements and Herbs for Winter Wellness
Here are some of the staples I keep on hand during cold and flu season:
1. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a classic immune-supporting nutrient. I prefer to take it in a liposomal form so I’m absorbing as much as possible. I take this regardless of cold and flu season, but especially if I feel something coming on. I’ll take anywhere between 2,000–4,000 mg a day, and if I do get hit with something, I’ll acute dose myself every 3–4 hours. I swear by this! It always works like a charm to get my immunity up.
2. Elderberry and Osha Root
My apothecary (Ellevate Apothecary) has a spectacular elderberry and osha root tincture, and this combination is bomb dot com. I take 1/2 a dropperful every other day, and this helps support the immune system. Elderberry is interesting because if taken before a virus, it can shorten the duration or lessen the severity of symptoms.
3. Zinc Picolinate
Zinc is another powerhouse for immune health. I’ve noticed it’s most effective for me when I take it right when I feel the first signs of a cold. I start with 25 mg daily and then work my way to 50 mg when I feel something coming on.
4. Echinacea Angustifolia
Echinacea is a staple herb I turn to for immune support, particularly angustifolia. I love it in tincture form. Echinacea angustifolia is believed to act more rapidly in supporting the immune system during the onset of illness compared to other species.
5. Liver Supportive Tincture
Keeping the liver clean in general on a daily basis is supportive in filtering out toxins in the organs, cells, and blood. A healthy liver means a healthy body, and if you do get sick, you likely won’t get hit as hard. I take a full dropper morning and night.
6. Oscillococcinum
This homeopathic remedy has been a lifesaver for me during flu season. While results may vary from person to person, I’ve found it helpful in supporting my body when I feel the first signs of the flu: fever, body chills, aches, etc. I always buy it in bulk and stash it away in my cold and flu remedy stash.
7. Clove Tea
I swear by clove tea. I drink it when I’m not sick and when I am. It has so many amazing anti-microbial, anti-biotic properties. Whether you have food poisoning or you’re trying to clear mucus from your respiratory tract, this stuff is a winner! I add 1/4 teaspoon of ground clove to hot water, and it will clear you up and loosen the mucus. It also numbs your tongue!
8. Calories and Hydration!
I heard a friend say that whenever you’re sick, eat a lot of calories, and it always stuck with me. Some will say let the body fast, but for me, what’s worked is eating more or forcing myself to eat. The more calories you eat when you’re sick, the faster you will recover. Staying hydrated with mineral waters, herbal teas, and coconut water with mineral salt is vital too.
Here's to a Healthy Season!
Cold and flu season doesn’t have to mean weeks of feeling unwell. By tuning in to your body and supporting it with high-quality supplements, herbs, and remedies, you can help it stay strong and resilient. Remember, though, that rest, hydration, and nourishing foods are just as important as any supplement. Listen to your body, rest, be gentle with yourself, and seek guidance from a healthcare professional when needed.
What are your favorite winter wellness staples? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!